Textile art by Ulrike Stelzig-Schaufert

In addition to the meditative approach to the medium of textiles, the exploration of creative possibilities and the play with light and shadow, I am attracted - as a costume and textile designer - to telling stories with my work.

In addition to the meditative approach to the medium of textiles, the exploration of creative possibilities and the play with light and shadow, I – as a costume and textile designer – am attracted to telling stories with my works.
The works shown here, all of which are hand-sewn/handmade and were created in the course of this year, revolve around the theme of the “red thread” that leads (us) through the labyrinth of life:
The “rootedness” of a person with their place in life (one of several commissioned works where I use photos of the respective family).
The path through the times of life, underlaid with excerpts from poems by H.Hesse.
A sensitive heart in the confusion of feelings (mixed media)
And – last but not least – the figure of Ariadne, a heroine of classical mythology, who gave her lover the famous thread to find his way through the labyrinth …