Dagmar Buchholz
“I embroider my dreams freely on textile backgrounds. They show me the way with their structure. The needle is guided through the background and the thread is sewn to the end. This sets in motion a flow of free embroidery, limited only by the outer dimensions of the picture. The result is not certain until the material assembled at the beginning has been used up.” The material is mainly second-hand and is worked with different techniques. Embroidery on recycled material is trendy.
My love of nature finds its way into plants, flowers and trees that form fictional landscapes. Created by sewing threads and fabrics in layers, they convey a spatial and haptic impression.
In my textile art I want to create an embroidery flow of flying stitches and thread dreams, where emotions are embroidered into the image.
Website: www.fliegende-stiche.de
Instagram: fly stitches Dagmar Buchholz
My motto: “Create an embroidery flow that embroiders the emotions as threads into the picture.”